Lobster and Lace

Real Life, Love and Romantic Inspiration Community Website

< Back to Projects  | Type: Community driven website

We worked with a branding specialist to create the website aesthetics and UI for a new and exciting business lobster & Lace.

The website will be a community for hopeless romantics looking for inspiration. Over time the site will evolve into a community and allow people to buy products, book hotels and join in discussions.

Why did we choose to design a Bespoke WordPress Website over a theme? 

Since Lobster & Lace are a new brand to enter the online web, our client wanted full control over the design and branding rather than using a theme that would end up being hard to scale and develop a sustainable platform on. By making sure the back-end had a solid architecture and was well planned we have now developed a scalable platform for the business to grow easily over time with new features for users as the community develops.

The website is set up on our version control system on GITHUB and ready for phase 2 of development.

Visit the Lobster and Lace website

What can users do on the site?

  • Create a profile
  • Users can sign in through the Facebook & Twitter API easily
  • Love posts and save them to their own romantic gallery
  • Add a special date and get reminders to check back and visit their gallery. This will evolve into tailored inspiration based on the users browsing history
  • Comment on posts


Caroline Rixon
I felt very included, informed and satisfied, A simple, bespoke platform that allows for my ultimate control.Thank you for listening, explaining, crafting and holding my hand.

Caroline Rixon
Head of Brand, Culture & Love - Lobster and Lace

Do you need to create an interactive website for your community of members to educate and provide fresh, quality content?

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